23 year old David Sweet jerks out a huge load watching transvestite porn

David showing off that perfectly chiseled chest and tree trunk legs! Bentley Race says: It was a freezing cold day when I invited 23 year old David Sweet back to my hotel room to model for me. Zac and I had only just arrived in Europe and we were already impressed by the cut guys … Read more

Colt Man Bob Hager and Will Swagger at Colt Studios

Colt Studios says: Will Swagger the hot beat patrol officer looks just the type of uniformed cop you get down on the streets, if not a little bit more grizzeled and gorgeous. Bearded Bob Hager a Colt Man through and through enters dressed in anti riot gear. He makes for Will and begins a rough pat down with both hands searching for any unexpected lump or bump that could be a concealed weapon or an explosive device. You guessed it, just as his hand is about to hit the target, Will turns his head and makes a play for some mouth to mouth contact.

Bob Hager responds unexpectedly kissing him passionately but aggressively. He releases his belt and lets his pants drop open wide displaying his hardening big dick as Will falls to his knees and chows down on the mass of man meat set before him. He closes his eyes as Bob rams his swollen mushroom head, repeatedly till it hits the back of Will’s throat, causing him to gag. Will ain’t no ordinary cock sucking cop, he is a past master and it shows, he never loosens the grip his lips have from top to base.

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Andy Sheckler

Gay Hoopla says: Andy Sheckler was so chill and an overall great person to have around. It was hard keep eye contact with Andy when talking to him with so many other thoughts going through my mind.
With his perfectly chiseled body, long brown hair, crystal blue eyes, and so much more. I could barely even concentrate.
He was so dreamy to the point I wasn’t even sure if he was real. Once I saw him naked, I got to see his super tight young ball sack.
It was cringing tight ready to explode. He told me he hadn’t jacked off in a week and need to bust a load bad before playing basketball. With a tight grip on his cock, Andy lets out a thick, long cum-shot. I had a choice either catch it all in my mouth, or get a clear shot for you all. I was so hungry that day too but lucky you, I still have an empty stomach.


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Czech Hunter 148

CzechHunter says: Nice weather again for my favourite park. I wonder if they ever thought about this park being a perfect porn location when they planned and opened it? Sunshine usually means also a lot of hot guys. So it didn’t take me too long to get into contact with the first one. He was willing to show me his private parts but too greedy when I asked for more. So I went on and I finally found Mr. Right for today. Cute, shy, just 18 years old and… virgin. Oh my goodness. Even if I would have been a virgin with sweet 18 I would never have admitted it. So that made him even more cute. I offered him a career in erotic photo-shooting and as he was unemployed and not even from Prague – he “followed” me.


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