Bentley Race: Sexy blond muscle boy Junior Varga in Budapest

We had a fantastic time travelling around Europe over the holiday season. It was unusual for us to be having a winter Christmas when it’s the hottest time of the year at home in Australia. But we were glad that the men in Europe had no problem getting their clothes off for us when it … Read more

Colt Man Devlin

Colt Studios says: With his uber-muscular and blonde surfer looks, Colt Man Devlin has a unique approachable image all his own. This California stud comes very fit and toned with many of the traits we look for in a Colt Icon; a rugged jawline, a sexy ‘come-hither’ stare and legendary butt beautiful, booty.
Check out this collegiate specimen for yourself. These are rarely seen images of a Colt Icon in a league of his own.


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