Chaos Men Bryan and Devin Dixon ‘Edge’


Chaos Men says: Devin Dixon said he was a fan of the Edge videos, so we setup a play date with Bryan. Things got a little out of hand.


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Bryan and Cooper Reed

Chaos Men says: I am going to have to stage more “no shows” if it means working with Cooper Reed. I have mentioned in the past that Cooper and I have some chemistry off set.
Not sure why he is into me. He has his longtime girlfriend, is super stable financially, and could have his pick of any number of guys in his age bracket if he was feeling in the mood for meat, but I think when he is genuinely interested in guys, they tend to be more mature, stable, dare I say, daddy type.
A former Marine, maybe he has a thing for the drill sergeant type, but I am hardly shouting out directions. Mostly I think he likes guys who have their shit together.


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Baker and Bryan

Chaos Men says: Baker took a new fancy job. It required him to go away for 4 weeks training, and then he came back and started his 9-5 job. He sure didn’t conform to the standard work day and daily grind, so quit after a short time, and found a local minimum wage job which was not covering his bills.


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