Fratmen: masculine hairy chested Otto

Hairy chest handsome Fratmen Otto jerks off after pumping iron in bed and shower

As he is lifting barbells in the gym Otto looks the real tough muscle man he is reported to be. Perfect muscular torso, V shaped muscular back and nicely proportioned arms and legs, that we mere mortals, could only dream of. He is a high achiever for sure. Perfectly toned but not tits on sticks like most muscle types. Dark short hair and atight ball sack with a nice sizeable cut dick.

Great shot with his denims just above his knees jerking in front of the screen. In the shower Otto jerks his member and we get a glimpse of his tool of the trade in action. A thick cock with a beautiful purple bell end, with shaved balls and a trimmed bush. As he jerks he holds his abs just below his muscley tits and he can feel the vibrations as he tugs away on his prized member. Out of the shower Otto looks away and has a sultry come to bed look on his face, with his wet hair he looks oh so sexy. Who could resist Otto like this. Great scene where he fucks a hole in the bed, see that light furry bubble butt in action. Yes please! Mesmorizing as his ass cheeks open and close as he pumps. Still warm and moist from the shower he jerks off on the terrace in long slow moves breathing hesitantly all the while. Then as it all gets too much he is overcome by a sensation and jerks a full load of muscle man cum all over his hairy abs. Otto is my Fratmen de jour.   See more of Otto at Fratmen.

Hairy chest handsome Fratmen Otto jerks off after pumping iron in bed and shower

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Fratmen: Braxton stripping bare bottom naked

Braxton hot young hairless blonde teen wanks his big cut cock at Fratmen 1 download full movie torrents and gay porn photo gallery

Up next is young Fratmen Braxton a hot hairless blonde teen who has has a cute fresh face, no chest hair just a wonderfully smooth firm body. Yes his body is not ripped but nicely firm in all the right places. Turn him around and you see great Bermuda short tans lines which highlight his pale white bouncy bubble butt. I love the great shot of Braxton lying face down pretending at fucking hole on the bed. Watching those rythmic pumps of his cute ass one is immediately taken away on a daydream. Back around to the front where the action continues the thin furry line of fluff running down from his navel to the base of his cock just calls out to have your tongue run riot. At the base a pert set of cum filled balls (as you see later). Braxton’s cock is nice and floppy and fills his mansized hands, that is soft but not for long as Braxton gives it a firm tug of the wrist. I just love the big purple head with no foreskin, plenty to get your teeth into on a long lazy suck off afternoon. This while running your hand through his short spikey hair makes for a very relaxing play off for both. I love the Freudian copy of Fratmen Weekly propped up by the bed, is our sexy boy a little bit narciscistic, one wonders. Oh let that go and just enjoy Braxton in his naked glory. See Braxton for yourself in all his glory at Fratmen.

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Fratmen Gallery – All American Boys stripped bare


Fratmen Gage

Fratmen says: Dark haired ripped muscle boy Fratmen Gage is always a little shy at first in front of the camera. But he soon comes out of his shyness. This tall muscled stud humps the bed with his round fuckable ass pumping away at the pillows.


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Muscle athlete Fratmen Jonah jerks his huge dick

Fratmen says: Although Fratmen Jonah will not be putting his athletic skills on the Olympic map for the USA, he does show that he has a huge pole, always good for pole vaulting. Check out the photos of Jonah, pole vaulting, shot putting and parallel bars and gymnastic rings.

Once he’s all hot and sweaty, Jonah heads to the locker room to cool off, or is it to warm up. It’s hot in here! Jonah strips down his Spandex (Lycra) shorts to reveal a big huge dick. In its non erect state his cock looks as powerful as its owner.

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Fratmen Heath – American Footballer

Fratmen says: Dark haired footballer hunk Fratmen Heath is pretty handy with a ball on the field. Back in the bedroom as he removes his jeans, you realise he’s pretty handy all over. As he removes his shirt Heath’s nicely defined abs with a light dusting of brown hair are the first thing to catch your eye. That is together with with his stubble beard, the unshaved look that is so hot just now.


As he bends to remove his ripped jeans from around his ankles, check out how his skin ripples beautifully over his abs. That central band of chest hair just between his pecs running all the way down to his crotch looks so sexy too. As he stand there in his Ralph Lauren boxers this boy looks every ounce the glorious strong man he is becoming.

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