For super ripped Gavin Waters it all started as a quiet walk on the beach that is until he gets a jelly fish sting high on his thigh. As luck would have it Marc Dylan the super top bottom is on hand to profer medical aid, if only Gavin will join him back at Gavin strips to reveal the sting but that is not all he reveals. Marc eyeing Gavin’s quickly erect cock pounces enveloping Gavin’s hard dick and taking it right to the back of his throat. Marc knows if he sucks good then Gavin is going to treat him to some hot cock and ass play.
Impatient to get his hole filled Marc does not have to wait long. Gavin ploughs Marc’s hole from every angle possible, with no sign of any lasting damage from the errant jelly fish, easily forgotten when you are fucking super sexy Marc Dylan.
Best line in the movie Marc comes over all concerned saying, “I’m just trying to make sure its not gonna make your legs all swell up!” Sucking the swelling out of a surfer guys cock is sure a neat survival technique (cum excuse) I will remember next time I’m surfing for some ass play.
Marc ass looks great in his tight swimming shorts. Watch the full scene now!
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