Lucas Entertainments: Jessie Colter and Jean Franko fucking gorgeous

What is there not to love when you get these two hot tattooed hunks in the same movie frame. Relative newbie on the block, sensual power bottom Jessie Colter and gorgeous muscle top Jean Franko, both sporting facial hair are a treat for sure. When Franko mounts Jessie from the side and even better when … Read more

JP Dubois takes Dominic Pacifico’s big cock up his boy hole

Eurocreme says: Poor JP Dubois! The sexy young twink has had yet another rough day trying to put out fires and making sure everything at The Dreamboy gets repaired. But it hasn’t all been stress and hard work. He caught up with an old friend and relived the day Spencer Reed popped his cherry.

But encounters like that seem to happen to JP only when he’s experiencing huge amounts of stress levels and this time, there’s no one near to help him relax. Or is there? Back at his office, he pours himself a drink and is soon joined by bearded, tattooed repairman Dominic Pacifico, who’s just arrived from The Toolbox.

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